What We Do

Lechem Bakes is a friendly microbakery run from our home kitchen in Aston-on-Clun, an area of outstanding natural beauty.  It is part of the Welsh Marches, and in the centre of the South Shropshire Hills.


The high quality products the microbakery provides is testimony to many years of passion for food and a wealth of experience teaching and baking a wide range of bread, cakes and pastries.


The microbakery also offers the following hands on classes for individuals and small groups throughout the year:

·       Introduction to Breadmaking

·       Sweet Bread and Buns

·       Full Day Sourdough Course

·       Seasonal Bread at Easter ant Christmas 

·       Cake Making

Bespoke classes for individuals or small groups can be arranged

Who We Are

Lechem Bakes has a Christian foundation.  The word Lechem is Hebrew for bread but also refers to the provision of food.  Lechem Bakes shares the fun and friendship which the remarkable gift of baking affords to reach out to others by producing quality foods to gladden the heart of customers